Celebrating Abide's Triumph at THE PITCH: A Victory for Healthcare Equity

Celebrating Abide's Triumph at THE PITCH: A Victory for Healthcare Equity

Abide secures $135k at THE PITCH, spotlighting its mission to transform healthcare for Black women and their children.

A Sweeping Success at THE PITCH

We're thrilled to share the incredible news of Abide's success at United Way of Metropolitan Dallas's THE PITCH competition. It was a defining moment for our team as we not only showcased our mission but also received substantial recognition and support from the community. Here’s how our participation and your support translated into a series of prestigious awards, totaling $135,000 in seed funding for our mission of improving birth outcomes in communities with the lowest quality of care.

Breakdown of Awards

  • Finalist Award: Our nearly year-long journey through the program and competition secured us $25,000, as we were one of five finalists selected for The Pitch.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit Award: This $20,000 award celebrated our proactive approach and dedication to addressing critical healthcare issues in the Sunny South Dallas community and throughout the United States.
  • Audience Choice Award: Thank you to our supporters who voted for Abide! Thanks to you, we took home this $30,000 award.
  • Social Innovator of the Year Award: The highlight of the event, this $60,000 award, recognized Abide as a leader in social innovation, aiming for substantial and sustainable impact in healthcare.
When you know something is preventable, it means something can be done. I’m here to tell you today that Abide is part of the solution to addressing the disparities in Black infant and maternal health outcomes. We do this by providing compassionate, safe, respectful, unbiased care laced with cultural humility. Care that sees individuals not as numbers but as human beings whose lives are precious.

A Heartfelt Note of Gratitude from Our CEO, Cessilye

"I've taken a few days to process the results of The Pitch by United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, and I'm incredibly encouraged because hearts and minds are being opened to the possibility that we can indeed build a healthcare ecosystem that addresses the disparities in Black infant & maternal health. Thank you to every person who voted and cheered us on from afar and thank you to judges Danyel Surrency Jones, Jorge Corral, Steve Hall, Marty Turco, Kenny Cooper Jr., & Drew Pearson for the incredible honors.

To the SIA fellows, Courtney Hamilton, Prinscilla Moore, Roy Scott & Robin Head, it was an honor to grace the stage with you. You are each phenomenal. To my mentors Jamika Doakes, Michael Thomas, & R. Michael Martin: Words are not enough, but thank you for walking with me throughout this entire Social Innovation Accelerator (SIA) process. You have been the greatest source of support over the past nine months. This was certainly a labor of love and look what was birthed! To Jennifer Sampson, Susan Hoff, Jennifer Clark, and the many individuals who have touched my life in some way through UWMD & SIA please know that I do not take this incredible opportunity & honor for granted.

I may be the visionary but it takes belief in the vision for it to come to fruition. I may be a vessel but I stand on the shoulders of those on the ground doing the work–supporting our community. With that, I must thank each member of the Abide Women's Health Services team (in alphabetical order): Althea, Ashley, Asia, Chrystal, Gabriella, Gia, Janikka, Kelli, Kennasha, Krystle, LaQuita, Lenita, Melissa, Miriam, Phoebe, Shanta, Tamara, Tamika, and Tiffany. Last but certainly not least I must give a special thanks to Paige Jackson, who is the fabric that holds the clinical team together. Without her expertise, big heart, and commitment to the mission, well. . .Abide would not have a clinic. An additional thank you goes to our Board and especially Board Chair, Dr. Trissi S. Gray, & Treasurer, Savohna Brown, for believing in me & the vision.

Please know that when you see me, you see each member of Abide. We are all part of a beautiful mosaic, and our community, Sunny South Dallas, is like an intricately woven tapestry or patchwork quilt. We bring a unique variety of gifts, talents, and above all, heart to this work and when stitched or glued together you get a work of art. It takes a collective effort to build something this beautiful and it will continue to take a collective effort to spread beyond the DFW Metroplex. #thisisabide

Lastly, I'd like to thank my family. To my parents, Marcus and Linda Spencer, what you see is a product of your faithfulness. It pleases me to know that I have made you proud. To my husband Ramon, thank you for supporting me and sacrificing so much of yourself for this deep passion that I just could not let go of. To my children, the KRU kids, Emmanuel, Sarai, Ezra, & Eli, this is all for you and your legacy.

May The Creator continue to be glorified."

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